I would like to start this article by saying, this is not a way to shed 15 pounds right away. This is NOT a quick fix. I went from 155 lbs to 137 lbs over 6 months. I would also like to state that I am not a nutritionist and my opinions are subject to debate. However, I am a girl who has been on all kinds of diets, eaten kale salads, and drank shots of apple cider vinegar when that was a thing. I wasn’t actively trying to lose weight, but once I did start loosing I looked back at what I had changed in my life/daily routine. I implemented these small changes and they made a huge difference for me. I hope this can help you no matter where you’re at in your health journey.

Change Your Mindset About “Health & Fitness”

I use to have an all-or-nothing mindset to health and fitness. I would work out super hard every day and eat healthly but then as soon as I fell off the wagon, I wouldn’t get back on. I wouldn’t work out for weeks or months and I would eat whatever I felt like. Then one day I would go “all in” and start training and eating right. That is how the cycle would go. Then once I started walking every day I noticed I had gotten a little thinner. This is what helped to change my mindset. I wasn’t dripping in sweat every day yet I was dropping weight. Maybe the all-or-nothing mindset works for some people, but for me, it hurt my health goals more than it helped it. No matter where you are in your health and fitness goals, you need a good mindset. Achieving a healthier lifestyle/body doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It can be as simple or difficult as you make it.

Find Things That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

When I say things that don’t feel like exercise, I mean find an exercise that you truly enjoy doing! Try to explore different types of exercise. One day I tried jump roping, which I haven’t done in forever. I made it a competition against myself, trying to do every trick I could remember. It didn’t feel like I was exercising. It felt like I was a little kid again trying to jump for as long as I could without messing up. For you, it might not be jump roping. It could be boxing, tennis, hot yoga, basketball, or hiking. It could be as simple as taking a short walk. I encourage you to go outside your box and try new activities! You might surprise yourself. Invite friends to a game of soccer tennis, dodgeball, kickball, or whatever sounds fun to you! Working out doesn’t have to be a pain.

Move Your Body Every Day

As I said above, I use to think if I wanted to be “fit” I needed to work out as hard as I could everysingleday. I thought I needed to walk out of the gym dripping in sweat. Now I realize that is such a silly way to think. Our bodies can’t handle a super intense workout every day. In the past, I would do a super hard workout. Arms, cardio, and legs all in one day. However, the next day I would be so sore I wouldn’t go back to the gym for a week. When I say move your body every day I DO NOT mean workout every day. I mean take a walk, a bike ride, play with your dog, go to the park, do yoga, etc. Do not come home from work and be a couch potato.

Do something that gets you moving.

Drink. Your. WATER

I know you’ve heard this a million times before. But I am serious, this is a game-changer. I have a 17oz water bottle and I try to drink 4 of them a day. I always try to finish my water bottle off before a meal! I always get my first bottle in before I make breakfast. I try to drink 4 bottles a day because I once read that you should drink your body weight divided by 2 in oz every day! For example, if you weigh 150lbs you would take 150/2 which means you should be drinking 75oz a day. Water can be hard to drink over and over again, I get that. But I like to get creative with my water. Each time I refill I will make a “different drink”. Here are some combos to spice up your water game.

Cold: Strawberries and blueberries, cucumbers and lemon slices, basil and strawberries, or blueberries and lime!

Hot: Cinamon, turmeric and ginger, ginger and lemon, or mint and cinnamon. If you try new combos let me know in the comments so I can try them!

Make Small Food Changes

This is a way I limit the bad foods I’m eating but I can still eat what I want. Let’s say you’re out to dinner and you get two sides, the old me would have picked french fries and the mashed potatoes. Now instead, I will choose which one I want more. I’ll get one side of what I want, and one side of something healthier. Another example of this is if I want a burger with all the toppings. I’ll still get the burger but I won’t eat the bun. It’s deciding small “food swaps” that you can choose to make your meal healthier. I don’t count calories, but I do look for ways to make my meals healthier.

Follow Fitness Accounts

I know this sounds silly. But this is a great way to discover new exercises and supplements! I found it keeps me motived too. This is also great if you are just starting your fitness journey and don’t know a ton of different exercises. Plus many fitness accounts will also post healthy recipes to keep you motivated in the kitchen. Some of the accounts I follow are @sarahs_day, @libbychristensen, @whitneyysimmons, @hannahbower2! Another account with great healthy food alternatives is @alexovergfit. Keep in mind that we are all in different spots in our health journey. Please do not compare yourselves to these women!!

If you need more fitness inspiration, try reading Sticking With Your Health and Fitness Goals! I would love to hear thoughts, comments, or opinions in the comments below!