NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS (and how to stick to them)

I think it is safe to say that 2020 was a downward spiral. Not to sound corny, but I KNOW 2021 IS GOING TO BE BETTER. Let’s set our goals high and freakin’ manifest them! But first, I want to break down why New Year’s resolutions don’t work typically.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve set some New Years’ resolutions that haven’t made it past January. But the bright side to that is, when something doesn’t work out, you can reflect and learn. This year I’ve been looking into the process of setting resolutions and how to stick with them! I’m sharing what I’ve learned and what I know. Let’s do this.

Set realistic goals & manifest

I’ve talked about setting realistic goals in previous blogs, so I’ll keep it short. Setting realistic goals is vital. Make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to achieve the goals. Once you’ve set your resolutions, manifest them! If you don’t believe that your goals are going to happen, then they might not. You need to be your biggest advocate. Talk about your dreams as if you know for sure that they are going to come true. Don’t mind what others think about your resolutions.

have a plan of attack

In my opinion, this is the main reason why New Year’s resolutions don’t work. You can’t change overnight, and you definitely won’t see a change in your routine if you don’t have a plan. You need to schedule a time for your goals. If you’ve never been to the gym and your New Years Resolution is to “go to the gym more.” If you don’t schedule a time for the gym, then odds are you probably won’t make it there.

Don’t break promises to yourself

This is important. Think of all the people that you make plans with that you absolutely can’t cancel on. You’re probably thinking of your best friend or maybe your significant other. But did you think of yourself? When you make a promise to yourself, and you break it. You no longer take yourself seriously. You get into the mindset of thinking, “I’ll push it off one more day” or “eh, I’ll do it next year.” But if you keep the promises to yourself, every time, then you will take yourself seriously. Then when you tell yourself you’re going to accomplish something, you’ll believe yourself. The way you talk to yourself and treat yourself is so important. Treat yourself as if you are the This year, put yourself first. I know it’s easy said than done. But push yourself to be accountable and keep your promises.


Set a date when you will review how your goals are going. That date could be one month, or it could be six months; either way, you need to check in with yourself. If your goal is longer, make reoccurring check ins. This review will hold you more accountable. It will also help you reflect on the progress you have made! It can help you realize if you need to dedicate more time to your goals. For example, I’m setting aside an hour every Sunday to reflect on what I did that week that pushed me closer to my goals.

roll with the punches

If things don’t go as planned, improvise. Don’t give up on your goal just because you missed a day or two. If you have your review with yourself, and you’re not as far as you wanted. Don’t let that get you down. What I’m trying to say is, don’t give up when the going gets hard! Remember why you set the goals in the first place.

my resolutions

I thought I would share some of my goals with you guys. I wanted to post these to hold myself more accountable and to give you some inspiration!

  1. No heat for 3 months. After dying my hair and curling way too often, it’s getting a tad fried.

  2. Continue going on walks and working out at least 3 times a week.

  3. Be more consistent on posting blogs!

  4. Write in my 5-minute journal every day.

2021 is our year, I know it. I’m optimistic that 2021 will bring good things to us all. I’m excited to see what this year holds. If you are looking for a more detailed guide for setting goals and ways to help change your habits. Check out Michelle Parry’s (@wabisabimish) FREE intention guide! Michelle’s intention guide covers everything from defining your values to setting goals in your personal and professional life. I’ve printed it out and already got started. It’s a great kickstart to setting your 2021 goals!

Happy Holidays friends! Leave me a comment with your New Years’ resolutions. :)

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