Advice for People in Their 20s

Ever feel like you’ve got everything all figured out until all your plans get turned upside down, and you have no clue what you’re doing with your life? Me too, sis, I see you. We are in this together. I’ve asked around to family members, older friends, and strangers what advice they would give to someone in their 20s. Please remember that these are merely the thoughts and opinions of others! What works for some won’t work for all. Nonetheless, I hope you find this insight helpful.

Let’s get into it; here is what they’ve said:

travel more before your tied down

“Travel as much as you can before you have other obligations (full-time job, kids, financial responsibility, etc.) You will never have as much free time as you do in your twenties. When you’re young, you can visit more places, walk further, and explore easier. Don’t wait until you’re retired to explore the world. Your body might not allow you to travel when you get older. Go far and experience everything.”

don’t get married so early

“Despite what your friends are doing, or what society tells you. You do not need to get married in your 20s. Your interests can change throughout your life, and your significant other might not grow/change with you. Five to ten years down the road, you could be a completely different person. You have your entire life to be with someone. Do not settle for someone just because you think you need to get married before you’re 28. Once you get married, you then have more responsibilities to uphold. There’s always pressure and questions from others after getting married, such as, “when will you have kids.” Don’t speed through life; take it slow.”

take college more seriously 

“Have fun in college and make friends, because those friends will last forever. But remember why you’re there. College can set up the framework for your career. I could’ve had a better job if I had tried harder and focused more on my studies. I was mainly there for a good time. Looking back, I wish I would have studied more.”

invest in stock early

“Young people need to take their finances and credit more seriously. I wish I would have invested in the stock market much earlier. Invest in high yield, long term stocks. Invest in something you understand. Make sure you like and support the company. To accumulate money from the stock market, you need to invest early and keep your money in for the long game.”

save for retirement

“When saving for retirement, you can save smaller amounts for longer, rather than having to pay a higher amount in your 30s until retirement. Start saving as early as you can. No, it’s not too early to start saving in your 20s. If you wait until your older, you will most definitely have other things you need to save for or pay for, like kids, a mortgage, car payment, etc.”

Take care of your body

“You only get one body, so please take care of your health while you’re young. Your health is so important; when you’re young, you create habits that will impact your health when you’re older. Find ways to remain active! Life is much more limiting when you have health conditions or injuries.”

If you’re out of your 20s and have some advice, drop it below! If you liked reading this, check out my 25 Things to do Before You Turn 25 blog.

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