Sarah's Day: Sweat it Reload Review

Back at it again with another, Sarah’s Day Fitness Ebook Review! If you missed it, I previously reviewed Sweat it to Shred It. Sweat it to Shred it is the first eight-week fitness challenge created by @sarahs_day. Today I will be chatting about her second ebook, Sweat it Reload. You guys already know, my mom was my workout pal, and you will hear her perspective too. (If you read the first article, this one will make much more sense.) Let’s get into it.

the schedule

This second ebook really ramps up, and the schedule gets pretty demanding. You’re working out five times a week, consistently. In my opinion, working out that often is mentally challenging for me to do. Especially when every workout is butt-kicking. My mom agreed that five times a week was a lot for her and that she would be cutting back after the program ended. The first ebook prepares you for this style of training. I would 100% not recommend skipping the first ebook and jumping straight to this. (Unless you’re a superstar athlete, and maybe not even then.) I was a college athlete and still workout quite often, and I would say that the second ebook is pretty difficult.

In Sweat It Reload, you get introduced to Sezzy Circuits. These workouts are focused on reps, not time. Another new addition to this ebook is weights! For Sweat It Reload, you will probably need 5lbs-10lbs weights at the most.

overall thoughts & results

After the first eight weeks, I saw a difference. It wasn’t huge, but I noticed a change. After the second eight weeks, I SAW A DIFFERENCE. I could tell that other people noticed a difference as well. (Granted, these people being my family and my boyfriend;)) But in all seriousness, my mom and I both felt very in shape. But after 16 weeks of working out consistently, you should feel in shape, am I right? My arms are the most toned they have ever been, and I noticed even more of a difference in my stomach. My mom agrees; she saw more noticeable results after the second eight weeks. She thought her arms and legs were the most toned from this program.

The workouts are much harder and more challenging. I felt much stronger at the end of this ebook. It was very challenging but very rewarding.” -My momma.

pros & cons

Pros: Rewarding when you finished, saw changes in appearance, different workouts every day

Cons: We were dragging at the end, weights made it challenging, could have been more photos demonstrating the exercise

~Please comment and let me know if you have any questions ~

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